Monday, March 10, 2008

...last week of exams...

Luckly this is our last week of exams of this second term.
At the moment I'm really happy with the marks that I know, they are not so high , but better than the ones from the firs term.
I'm tired of studing every evening...4 days and: one week of relax!!!!

Easter is coming and we've just start '08 spring!!....all of us waiting for the summer...., isnt'it? :)

Well, today I've put this photo because ...because I like it. My cousin Laura took it the last summer one they that we were walking. I really remember that day because he arrived from Bcn and we passed a lot of funny moments together.
Laura comes every summer to my home and she spends ..maybe one month, or more, with me. This summer she wouldn'be as many time than the last year with me but I hope that she will come more than one week!!

well, now I must study history!!!


1 comment:

p a b l i t ö h________ said...

Nice picture, and the person who appears on it too. I hope that you'll be lucky wiht this final exams!

See you!